Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Learning from a Website

By using websites, you can create learning experiences for 4-H members. This project experience was created from the "Dairy Council of California" site. If you do want to create your own, surf the entire site to ensure that information is research-based.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Watch a Cooking Show!

One of our project experiences was for the 4-H members to watch TV. Here is the worksheet they needed to complete.

4-H Recipe Rally

In the 4-H Recipe Rally, intermediate and senior 4-H members are challenged with selecting, creating and/or altering a recipe and submitting a video of them preparing the recipe. The video should highlight the 4-H member demonstrating the preparation of the recipe while also highlighting nutrients, food safety practices, serving size and cost analysis, as well as their inspiration for selection or creation of the recipe. Entries are submitted online and due by midnight on February 1, 2013. From there, the top three intermediate and senior 4-H members will be invited to compete in the 4-H Recipe Rally during Texas 4-H Roundup next June. For more information, visit http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/healthy_lifestyles